Rebelle Nutrition

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How To Get More Clients In Your Online Nutrition Business

When it comes to being a Nutritionist, Health Coach, or NTP who works with clients online, sometimes it can feel like SUCHstruggle to find clients who actually want to PAY you, and not just DM you for free advice. 

So in today's blog post, i'm going to be sharing my top tips for getting more paying clients - so you can finally ditch your 9-5 and turn your passion your full time job

How do I know these tips work?

By implementing the EXACT strategies i'm going to talk about today, I not only increased my client load by 1000% and have been nearly booked solid for the past few months, but I was also able to replace the income from my side-job, hit my first 5 figure month EVER, and go full time in my online business. 

My top tips for getting more clients in your online nutrition business are:

#1 give away you BEST stuff for free.

I know this sounds counterintuitive and you're probably wondering why anyone would ever BUY what you're selling if you’re doing this, but hear me out.

Your future client will not get onto your e-mail list (your business $$$ maker), follow your social media channels religiously, or start to know,, like, and trust you UNLESS you’re giving them a good reason too. 

Giving away content so valuable that results in a “quick win” for your ideal client or customer is the quickest way to turn those people into future clients. It’s also what sets you apart from the hundreds of thousands of other Nutritionists or Health coaches that are offering your EXACT same services. 

But let me clarify here: be strategic in WHAT you give away for free - for example you should never be giving away free hour long consultations - because THAT is what you want people to pay you for - and remember your time is money. What you can do is create a download, freebie or cheatsheet that provides a few of your top tips, hacks, or strategies that are sure to give your ideal client a quick win. Create the freebie once, and pimp it out to the masses for months or years to come. 

Here's an example for you :)

And remember - the way that this method results in future clients is by ASKING FOR THEIR EMAIL in exchange for whatever your amazing free download is. 

Lastly, If you are stingy in the info you give out, keeping your most valuable content to yourself, and coming from a place of "lack" or thinking there isn't enough business to go around - guess what’s also going to be lacking? Your amount of clients. 

#2 Make sure people know that you have a business

I know this seems obvious, and when you’re first getting started, it’s easy to feel like your business is make believe, because you hardly have any clients and aren't making much money.

But when people ask you what you do for work, what do you say? Even if you’re still in a 9-5 but see clients on the side, FIRST answer confidently that you are a Nutritionist (or whatever your title is) and then feel free to say whatever else it is that you do, rather than saying something along the lines of, "i’m a bartender but, I dunno, i’m trying to start seeing nutrition clients on the side…."

Act AS IF you are already a successful Nutritionist, Health Coach, or online business owner and I promise you will see more clients as a result.

Also - even if you only have friends and family on your e-mail list right now, send an e-mail out to them and tell them about your new venture! Ask them to follow you on social media or refer friends who might need your help. This is  great way to get your name out there and this was actually the way I landed my first few Nutrition clients. 

This brings me to my next tip...

 #3 Let people know you’re taking clients!

I want you to put yourself in your audiences shoes for a second. If they stumbled across your Facebook, or Instagram, or website, would it be obvious to them that you’re accepting new clients? I know this seems obvious but I think so many of us are afraid to come off as “salesy” that we forget to even tell people what we’re offering or selling. 

Is your Instagram just photos of your family?
Is your Facebook page full of political rants?
Is your website more about your own health story than your services?

Ask a friend or a colleague to look over your social media channels, your website, etc. and make sure it’s obvious to them who you are, what you do, who you’re helping, and how you can help them.

And another way to bring up the fact that you're accepting clients, if you’re afraid of coming off as “salesy”, is to talk about your services indirectly. For example you could send out an email to your list, or a social media post talking about how you just finished a consultation with a client who healed her acne through nutrition, and a few of the things you advised her to do. When it comes to social media, be a storyteller. 

Tip #4 Make it easy for people to pay you!!

I want you do a quick inventory right now and think about something: If someone stumbled across your website right now, would they be able to pay you immediately, schedule a consultation, and receive their new client intake form, without you having to do anything?

If your require future clients to e-mail you first, or fill out a form, or search through multiple pages to find your paid offering, you’re going to lose them. Plain and simple. Everyone has a short attention span these days and is not going to jump through hoops to get to you, especially if your competitor makes it super simple. 

I use Acuity for scheduling online business consults on my own website, and I absolutely love how easy it is to use (especially when i'm in a different time zone than ALL of my clients).

Now that you’ve learned my top 4 tips for getting more clients, you’re probably wondering just how to determine WHO these people are, and where they're hiding.

Which is why I want to invite you to join my free 5 day “get more clients” challenge, where you'll receive daily e-mails, video lessons, and actionable tips on how to find (and book!) more clients in your online business.

Video more your thing? Watch my YouTube video on booking more clients HERE:




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