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How OCA student Kori Meloy had a $150k online course launch - *Only working during her son’s naps + without paid ads!

In my latest podcast episode, I talk with Kori Meloy (one of my OCA students) all about her 6 figure course launch - that’s right - over her 10 day online course launch *without paid ads* she made around 150k!! So, in this blog post I am diving in to the top questions I receive around OCA and just how Online Course Academy can truly change your life.

Okay - so let’s dive in!

First, off - if you’d like to tune in and hear this full podcast episode with Kori, you can do so, here:

See this content in the original post

You guys - when Kori first reached out to me, she was about halfway through her launch and I specifically remember her sending me a DM and she was like - “Oh, my gosh, I've passed my goal of 70K!” And again, you guys, this was only halfway through her launch! 

Before we get deeper into Kori’s story and just how her first online course launch got to 150K, let’s manage some expectations here….Kori's story is absolutely amazing! But, if anybody is out there who just had an online course launch and only made a couple $1,000, that is still incredible. These results aren't necessarily typical. I mean, obviously, she's proof of what is possible, especially if you have something like Online Course Academy to take you through what you need to do every step of the way through your course creation, launch and audience building. When I first launched my very first online course, I made, I think a couple $1,000. It was nothing like Kori's experience, but just because you only hit a fraction of that doesn't mean that you aren't going to be successful and have five and six figure launches. You’ll have to try new things, test it out, and really see what works and what doesn’t. 

Reminder: everyone starts somewhere - and the ONLY way to fail is if you give up.

Important to note about the success of Kori’s first launch is also that she doesn't even have a huge audience (she was at around 15k on Instagram when she first launched!). I think a lot of people think that in order to have a five or six or multiple six figure launch, you have to have like hundreds of thousands of followers. That is absolutely not the case! 

Now let’s dive into some common questions I get from people about if they’re ready to buy Online Course Academy, if it’s right for them, and just how the course can change the whole trajectory of your life. 

If you’re interested in joining Online Course Academy right now - Sign up for THIS FREE TRAINING which will tell you all about OCA + give you a limited time link to enroll with a special price!

Common Question #1:

What Was Your Life like Before OCA? 

Most students seek out OCA as a way to continue to share what they are meant to share with the world - but in a way that allows for more day to day freedom.  1:1s can be draining and taxing on the body and mind and once you reach capacity there isn’t any way to add more time to your day to continue taking on 1:1s to grow your income. I hear time and time again that people hit this place of “how can I possibly get my message out there without completely draining myself?” The truth is, once you have your course and it’s self paced - it’s always the right time for someone to join. It’s a win/win situation.  You free up your time, you create a more passive income stream for yourself and your unicorn clients can join whenever they’d like.

Common Question #2:

Do you have to see one on one clients before creating a course? 

I don't think so at all!  I tell this to anyone that inquires - but, truly there is an advantage to having the 1:1 experience.  You know common pain points and what is on the minds of your clients. But - to create a successful online course you want to listen to what truly lights you up, whatever you would consider yourself an expert on.  Think about what you could sit there and talk to somebody for hours about for free.  What interests, passions, hobby, etc - makes you feel alive? Whatever that is, build your course around that and it will be successful.

And if you aren’t sure what that is exactly.  Talk to your friends and family - ask them what you speak about often, what they think you have insight on, what they’d come to you for assistance with…. You can also go through old Instagram messages to see what people reach out to you about seeking guidance on.  Sometimes we aren’t even aware of what we can truly offer to the world and what people think we can offer/assist them with clarity on. So ask, listen to what light you up and start taking notes.  You’ll surely find that online course topic that lights you up like no other.  And THAT is the winner! Because if you want your online course/s and business to thrive… you want to choose something you love, that lights you up.  

Common Question #3:

How can your life be changed by taking Online Course Academy? 

If you are feeling the burn out, the loss of passion for what you love, or just not seeing how you can possibly grow beyond your current 1:1 business model - fully accepting the reality that an online course gives you freedom to reach limitless people, a chance to re-discover and indulge in your passion and to share that passion with the world time and time again…. is liberating. Jumping into Online Course Academy is an investment, certainly. BUT - if you invest your money, time and energy into OCA - the energy you put forth into forming your online course will continue to work for you for years and years to come.  The freedom you seek, effortlessly drawing in your unicorn client, and being able to accept endless new clients (and therefore double, tripling and quadrupling your monthly income) will quite literally change the trajectory of your life.  

Common Question #4:

What is the process of making an online course like? What if I don’t have time?

If you are waiting for the right time or enough time to create a course - that time will never come!  Just start.  Carve time each day - when your son is sleeping, after work, before bed for an hour or so.  Whatever time you can to build upon your course each day.  This could take 4 - 6 months or two years. It truly depends.  But,  once you sit down and you build out the course (the hard part) you will be reaping the benefit of that hard work for years. You’ll also be helping so many more people than you ever could in the 1:1 format. When you have the blueprint in front of you - of what you need to do and how to set up your online course for success (which is what Online Course Academy does)... you just get to pour your creativity into the creation of your online course. You can pour your heart into your online course. You can give it all your energy (in the time increments you have) and watch it over time continue to build and grow your business for you. 

Common Question #5:

What if my audience isn’t big enough? How can I grow my audience?

There isn’t some secret strategy… But I recommend just show up. Be yourself.  Even if you're not like putting out a ton of content on your course topic, yet, the fact that you even put it out there, and this is your niche, and you're gonna be creating a course - that in and of itself, begins to attract your ideal audience. Instagram stories and showing up, talking about your course and offers are super important.  Don’t be afraid of being salesy! Coming up with something free that people want to use, share, tag others in - is also super helpful to help build an audience prior to your launch and an incredible way to build your email list. Creating a freebie on Canva can take literally less than 20 minutes and people will want it and share it - helping grow your audience.  Reels are also an explosive way to grow your audience prior to a big launch.  Right now I have grown my Instagram following from somewhere in the mid 60ks to over 90k in around two weeks - from simply creating shareable, relatable and helpful reels.  When you share informative reels that help people, they will be shared!  This is an absolutely incredible way to boost (or explode) your audience.  I cannot recommend using Instagram reels enough. 

Common Question #6:

What do you do to prepare for a launch? How do I make sure it’s successful?

Biggest tip I have is to not overcommit or set too many rules/regulations on what you have to do.  Whether you set up automated sequences through your email provider or you have something like a launch team (people that test your course as a work trade) - you want to make sure you are listening and answering questions of curious clients/students.  You can show up on Instagram stories and respond/talk to common questions, respond to emails, or just do Q+As on your stories. You can also offer special price promotion offers, VIP promotion offers (to people that express interest early on and therefore secures them a special rate).  At the end of the day, it is truly amazing to see your hard work and to see the fruit of that.  It is also super helpful to compare your launches and the tactics and processes you use for each launch.  This will come over time - of course! 

The conversation on the podcast with Kori was absolutely amazing!  Seeing her success in her very first launch just truly shows what you can do with an online course - no matter where you are in your business. If you set out to make a successful online course, filled with your creative energy and passion towards your online course topic - and you also do the work to set up a launch strategy.  You WILL find SUCCESS.  That success may not be 150k your first launch (and it usually isn’t) but god - it let’s you imagine what is possible! And it’s truly anything!

Allow yourself to set high goals for your course launches!  You may not hit them immediately.  But the goal should be to learn what worked in each launch and to tweak, adjust and go from there. Your online course launches will continue to grow and get stronger with time.  My first launch was certainly not 150k - it was only a few thousand.  It takes time - but online courses and the freedom that come with them? Absolutely. Freaking. Amazing.  I want you to experience the life-changing results that Kori did from taking Online Course Academy.

Talk to you soon!



>> P.S. - If you’re interested in joining Online Course Academy right now- Sign up for THIS FREE TRAINING which will tell you all about OCA + give you a limited time link to enroll for a special price!