Whether you are looking for weight-loss tips, how to care for your mental health, depression, healing auto-immune issues, or maybe you are looking for detoxing ideas/options.... these tools will help you rewire your limiting beliefs and sky-rocket your success and health - whatever your health goals may be!

In the most recent Wealthy, Worthy and WILD podcast episode, I speak with Lindsey Lekhraj. Lindsey is an Epigenetics Coach who combines Holistic Nutrition and subconscious mindset work to create long-lasting transformation, keeping it FAST and FUN! We dive deep into all things health, wellness, listening to the needs of our bodies and bio-hacking our health - {listen HERE}.

Remember  - Our health and needs differ - person to person.  

This is why your favorite celebrity or influencer might see weight loss + energy gain on a paleo/vegan/keto diet (whatever is trending…) but when YOU try it...the reverse happens?!

This is epigenetics at play. Remember - that each of our bodies are genetically different, so by tapping into your body's genetic needs, you discover all the tools you need for YOUR greatest wellness.

Below are some wellness hacks (leveraging epigenetics!) to try if you feel like you’ve tried EVERY diet out there, with little to no success:

HACK #1: Use Epigenetics to pinpoint your individual needs.

Epigenetics are uniquely tailored to you! If you are hitting walls in your health (adrenal fatigue, chronic illness, stubborn weight gain) and are not sure what you need to do to achieve wellness - looking at your epigenetics may be the answer.  You can find out about your genetics via test - and this will give you insights into your neurotransmitter functions, chemical activity and so much more on what is going on in your body. 

You’ll also find out which of your detox pathways may be struggling and in need of support. 

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HACK #2: Detox to Give Your Body and Mind a Reset

Simple detoxes such as green juices, lymphatic massage, rebounding and infrared saunas will provide you with amazing results.

The goal is to eliminate stored toxins (many times found in fat cells!) and give yourself and your body a reset. Again - what works for one person is not a one size fits all - and certainly no guarantee that it will work for you!

Exploring your epigenetics and needs based on your genes is a great place to start!

HACK #3: Use at Home Self Care to Release Subconscious Patterns. 

How do I do that??

Here are a few ways to get stored energy MOVING again (stored energy in the body can manifest as various health problems!)

Ways to move subtle energy and release subconscious patterns:

  • Meditation (Taking time to yourself, daily -or when you can- and just listening to the needs of your body, quieting the mind, releasing limiting beliefs; this will feel so liberating!

  • Kundalini Yoga (Breathwork, movement, mantra) - moving the energy within the body.

  • NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming)

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping)

  • Emotion Code / Body Code (Similar to NLP)  It’s energy-work (Reiki-ish) that helps to free you of emotions trapped within your body.  It uses muscle testing to find trapped emotions held within your body.

If you are seeking more guidance on biohacking your health and wellness -  listen to my most recent podcast with Lindsey Lekhraj below! 

This episode with Lindsey Lekraj covers so many ways to biohack for your ultimate health and wellness. Lindsey is an Epigenetics Coach who combines Holistic Nutrition and subconscious mindset work to create long-lasting transformation, keeping it FAST and FUN! We talked about everything from her breast implant removal, losing 150 pounds, detoxification, the vibrations of food and so much more!

Enjoy the episode!



>> P.S.  Do you want to start an online wellness/nutrition business but have no clue where to start?!? I created this free webinar JUST for you! Sign up below: