Rebelle Nutrition

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How to Decide on a Profitable "Niche" As A Nutritionist/Health Coach/FNTP (Rebelle Nutrition)

Hey everyone! This weeks episode is a MUST LISTEN if you’re a new FNTP, Health Coach or Nutritionist who is struggling to make sales. We’re talking all about how to finally choose a profitable niche, including my 3-step process that will make it SUPER simple for you.

Now, before you go listening to the episode (or reading the transcript, below) be sure to download the “find your niche” worksheet that goes along with the podcast first 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

So you want to start a business. You're multi passionate, and have a lot of things you want to be talking about, right? But here’s the thing: you need a niche to help set you apart, and help you make sales! The key to choosing a niche is choosing a profitable one, and this episode I’m going to walk you through exactly how to do that, step-by-step.

In today’s episode we cover:

>>Actionable steps you can take today to get clear on a profitable niche

>>Why zeroing in on a niche that really lights you up can be the key to your success (even if you decide to pivot later on)

>>How to figure out what the market will actually pay for

>>Getting clear on your “unicorn”!

[00:00:11] Welcome back to the show. I'm Amie Tollefsrud, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, digital nomad, online course creator and founder of Rebelle Nutrition, a brand and business aimed at helping rebellious wellness entrepreneurs create six figure online businesses. You guys. Oh, my gosh. So I almost didn't record today. I was almost not going to publish a podcast episode this week. And I don't know if anybody else out there is feeling this, but after the holidays, those of you who watched my Instagram stories over the Thanksgiving break, I went to Colorado and there was a ton of snow. We actually got snowed in at my parents house. And I am not going to lie. I just after we got home, I was really feeling a lot of emotions after spending so much time with my family. And it's hard because it's one of those things where I'm like, I don't have a bad relationship with my family. I love them to death. I am so grateful that they are still around and nearby and I am able to go visit them. But there's just a lot of emotions that come up when you spend that much time with close family. So I know probably a lot of you guys understand where I'm coming from. But anyways, the last few days I've been meaning to record and meaning to record. I'm like recording at the very last minute before I send this off to my editor. So thank you for being patient with me at least. But the last few days when I was planning on recording and didn't, I ended up crying. You guys, I haven't cried this much in I don't know how long. Like every single thing was making me cry and I was just a blubbering mess the past 48 hours. 

[00:01:49] My eyes were super puffy. And it's funny because something about podcasting, which I guess this is a great thing, but this feels so much more intimate to me. Like I don't think I would actually talk about this on video. So yeah, I guess you guys are like my best deals and you guys are getting the real deals on the podcast. But anyways, where I'm going with this is today, I decided to really ask myself, like podcasting today, is it going to, number one, make me feel better or is it going to make me feel better if I take a break? Because I'm totally fine with taking a break and like not having content come out one week. But I want to make sure I'm doing it for the right reasons. And once I kind of checked in with myself, I realized that I think doing this podcast actually would make me feel better. And I definitely feel like that is true at this point. And I also felt like it was a good thing to share. To you guys, I thought it might be actually beneficial to know that, like the people that seem really positive all the time and everything's always good and they're just always on and always creating content and nothing ever fazes them. Maybe that's true, but maybe they are also just not sharing it. So I wanted to let you know that that's kind of where I'm at right now, but I am totally prepared and ready to still give you guys a bomb ass podcast episode. I'm really excited about this one. I'm going to be talking all about how to decide on a profitable niche because honestly, this is probably one of the most popular questions that I get and that a lot of you guys who are nutritionists and health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs really get stuck on, because I find that a lot of you and I was this way, too, are really multi passionate. 

[00:03:23] You have a lot of things that you want to be talking about. And so choosing a niche isn't really about like putting yourself into a box. I'm going to be talking more about how finding a niche and deciding on one that really lights you up and is really specific at least at first can actually help you generate more sales and really get your business off the ground. And that doesn't mean you have to stay in that niche forever. But when you're starting your business, it actually is really, really important. So I'm going to be walking you guys through so many amazing actionable steps. And I'm also going to be linking to a little worksheet in the show notes. So if you want to download that and write out your notes as you're going through this podcast, you totally can just head over to the show notes. And by the way, the show notes, if you aren't sure what that means, just wherever you're listening to this, there should be like a little dropdown details menu or something like that. And there should be a clickable link in there. It should be pretty easy to find. All right. But before I get into the topic for today about finding your niche, I'm gonna tell you guys what I am obsessed with right now. And this is actually really relevant to how I'm feeling, but I am really obsessed with and into tapping, which is also called EFC emotional freedom technique. I don't remember if I've talked about this on the podcast before, but basically what HFT or tapping is is kind of like acupuncture, but without the needle. So you're literally like using two fingers and tapping on different parts of your body. It's kind of a combination of acupressure and positive psychology. 

[00:04:51] So while you're tapping on these different meridian points of your body, which I'll explain what they are in just a second, you're also really saying positive affirmations. That's part of it. And you're also kind of stating what is going on. So I'll give you an example in just a second. But this, I guess it could be considered a form of therapy, can really be used for almost anything. I've used it to really help me work and overcome my money mindset and scarcity issues around money. But I know a lot of other people have used it for like body image issues, sleeping issues, quitting smoking, any sort of emotional trauma, things like that. I actually used it yesterday when I was trying to get out of my extreme emotional funk. Honestly, I would even say that I was feeling really depressed the last few days and I have been depressed like in high school. I deal to deal adult with depression. And so I know what that feels like and I have not felt that in a long time. But after doing tapping yesterday and really like stating the things that I was feeling and then tapping and using positive affirmations, I feel so much better today. So let me tell you a little bit more about what tapping is so you can totally Google this. I'm sure there's many experts out there who can give you a step by step on how to do it, but basically energy in your body can become blocked along meridian points. So this is really similar, like I said, to acupuncture and it can cause energetic blocks. Like I said, around money, self love, body image, emotions, and you can physically tap on them to get that energy moving again. 

[00:06:18] So if you actually want to try and do this, I recommend just googling E to your emotional freedom technique. I also really love Gala Darling. She has a lot of videos on YouTube about tapping and you can just follow her. She's amazing. But basically what you do is you're tapping on the different meridian points and you will state something like even though I have blank, even though I feel blank, I deeply and completely love and accept and forgive myself. So, for example, even though I have, I'm just gonna use my money example for this one. But even though I have all these blocks around money and I worry that there will never be enough. And then you're going to move where you're tapping. Even though I feel stressed as fuck every time I look at my bank statements. This is not true for me anymore. Thank God. But it definitely was at one point I deeply and completely love and accept and forgive myself. So every time after you state, whatever your stating, you're kind of moving to the different meridian points. Some of them are on the top of your head, your eyebrows, your temples. OK, I know this sounds really, really woo woo. But if you're listening to this podcast, you're probably into that. So I really highly recommend trying this. If you are somebody who has had a issue for a long time or you feel any sort of block in your life right now, maybe it's getting to the next level of your business or you feel like a disconnect with a family member or you have money blocks or you're trying to lose weight, but you can't know anything like that. It can really, really help. So I hope that was helpful for you guys. 

[00:07:44] Definitely. Give me a shout out if you try some hefty tapping and if it works for you. And as always, you guys, it helps me so much to share the podcast with other people. So if you screenshot this and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me at Rebels Nutrition on Instagram, I will definitely repost you. I want to get this content out to as many people as possible. So even though I really appreciate it when you write reviews, it even helps me more. If you want to just share it with a friend or something like that would be amazing. OK, so let's get into today's topic, which is all about finding your niche. And in this episode, I'm really I mean, I'm pretty much always specifically talking to like nutritionists and tepees, health coaches, people that want to build a wellness business. But even if you're not like let's say you are a fashion blogger or a travel blogger or something like that, a lot of this content will still apply to you. Just the examples I'm gonna be using most of the time are going to be related to like wellness. So just keep that in mind. So likely if you are struggling with deciding on a niche in your business right now, you're probably still at the kind of beginning stages or you just feel like you don't have a lot of direction. Maybe you're interested in a lot of different things. So this is something my ideal client or unicorn, as I like to call it, comes to me all the time. And this is what I hear. I'm interested in so many things like yoga, vegan food, emotional health, body image relationships, women's empowerment, all these different things. And these are all amazing. 

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[00:09:09] Don't get me wrong. But none of those things, especially if you're talking about all of them, none of those are a niche. And the problem with that is that it's not really giving you any direction in your business. So this makes a lot of things a lot harder. It makes it harder to create content. It makes it harder to know who you're speaking to. It makes you probably less productive because you are always having this question in your mind of like, well, what kind of topic do I talk about today or who do I phrase this to or like, what do I write in my emails? And it also makes sales a lot harder. And not only that, it makes just organic referrals to you and your business a lot harder as well. Because when you have a really specific mission, you can become an expert in that one small market. You become kind of known for that thing, become known as the expert in that one specific area, which allows for a lot more organic referrals to happen. Somebody talking about that in just a second. And by organic referrals, I don't just mean like getting more one on one clients because. No, that's not really a goal for most of you, they're listening. Most of you probably want to create more passive income online, even referrals as like somebody who potentially could become a student in your courses. So because my niche as a business coach for nutritionists, specifically nutritionists who want time, freedom, like I just talked about, that is really, really specific. And so a lot of times I have people reaching out to me that said they got referred by somebody else to my courses. So that's really cool. And referrals don't necessarily have to mean one of my clients. 

[00:10:40] So the cool thing about picking a niche is that it's really about embracing your uniqueness and who you really are. So even if you think that a thousand people already have the same niche shows you, the thing that's going to make you stand out is you embracing your uniqueness because no one else is gonna be able to do it quite like you. But we have to find a way to make your niche profitable because this is going to be the key to business. So this podcast is going to really walk you through how to do that step by step. And now remember, a niche is not just a topic. It's also a topic that solves a problem. So that is the main takeaway that I want you to take away from this podcast is that, for example, eating a paleo diet or teaching people to eat a paleo diet is not a niche, but eating paleo to heal depression, for example, or maybe take out the word heal, because that can be kind of a controversial word to use there. But that is a niche. So eating a paleo diet, not a niche. Eating a paleo diet to heal depression or to overcome, you know, whatever certain ailment you want to speak to, that definitely is a niche. And so choosing a niche that it is more specific and going to teach you how to do this specifically to you and your interest in just a second. It really helps you stand out and attract customers. Way easier. It helps you create content, way easier. So you always know, like when you sit down to write a blog post or record a podcast or whatever, you know exactly the type of content that your audience wants, who you're speaking to, what problems they're having, things like that. 

[00:12:12] It sets you apart. People know what they're getting when they come to you and it helps you make sales. OK, so now is when you might want to get that worksheet that I mentioned in the show notes or if you just have like a notepad or the notes app on your iPhone to write these down. I really want you guys to take action and do these prompts as I'm walking through them, because then by the end of this episode, you are going to have your niche figured out. OK. I promise you. So what a niche is in your business. It's really a combination of your passions, obsessions and the things that really light you up and that you enjoy doing. That's really key. That's number one. Number two is your skills, certifications, maybe pass knowledge even if you've had any like clients that didn't necessarily pay you before or paying clients. I mean, any sort of expertise or experience, even if nobody was paying you, that still counts. Maybe you spent years as a volunteer in this area or doing pro bono work or something like that. That all still counts. But it also could be like something, a certification, a weekend workshop that you went to a college degree. It could be anything like that. That's number two. And then number three, part of finding your niche is the specific person that you are providing the solution for. So this is what I like to call your unicorn, that really special, unique person that you are speaking to and all of your content. So for number three, your unicorn, this can look like, you know, the person's age, the location that they live in, their job, their income bracket, et cetera. But honestly, I don't really like to focus on those things so much. 

[00:13:43] I'm more like to think about this again. Let's get a little bit woo! Because I like to I like to visualize the person that I'm talking to, one person and to me and at least in what I'm doing in my business. Age doesn't really matter. Her job at the moment doesn't really matter. Nothing really matters like that. What does matter to me when I close my eyes and I look at her is I really think about like her deepest desires in her life and why she wants the solution to what I'm offering. So I think about my unicorn and she wants to build a profitable online business as a nutritionist because she wants the freedom to travel. She doesn't want to be stuck inside living on somebody else's work schedule, you know, having to ask her boss for time off. You know, she's a rebel like me. She wants to work and ever she wants to she wants to travel. She wants to take days or weeks off if she's feeling depressed or wants to go travel, things like that. So I really think about like those core desires of the person, not so much necessarily like age and sex and job and location. I mean, if it applies to your business, then totally use that. But you can also just kind of visualize who this person is and what their desires are. Now, if you have a notepad handy or you've downloaded that worksheet that I talked about, I want you to maybe pause this podcast and write down each of those three things. I'll go over them real quickly. Again, number one, your passions, obsessions and what you enjoy doing and just like go crazy. List as many things here as you can. 

[00:15:07] We're going to narrow it down a little bit later. Number two. List your skills, certifications, knowledge and any, you know, trainings that you've had. Things like that. And then number three, I want you to talk about the specific person, your unicorn. So maybe this is their age, location, job, income bracket, etc. Maybe it is just what their core desires and feelings are. So if you have to right now pause this, write everything down and then come back. So now that you've written down all of those things, it's time to kind of do some mix and matching to create your profitable, authentic niche. So, for example, I'm really or at least I was really passionate and obsessed with nutrition and wellness. It's still something I'm really into, just not as much as before. I'm also now really into business, social media, online business, and I have experience and knowledge and interest in both of those things. So the blend of nutrition and wellness and online business together really helps create my niche. But the missing piece here is that number three part is the specifics of who my need is for. So who am I solving the problem for? So for me, this is where the digital nomad piece comes in, because I want to help, you know, nutritionists and wellness businesses build their online businesses so that they can travel, work on their own time, life schedule, etc.. So do you see how specific that is? If I was starting my business right now and I just wanted to be an online business coach, that would be okay, but it wouldn't really speak to any specific type of person. Like there are so many types of online business coaches. I'm sure you guys have seen many of them across the inter webs. 

[00:16:50] You've probably opted into many of their freebies. Everybody kind of has a different flavor and a different vibe and a different person that they're speaking to. So you really want to get as specific as possible. And I know right now you're probably thinking like, oh, this is going to really limit my reach if I talk about a vegan diet for marathon runners or something like that. Don't worry. I promise you, you guys trust me, kneeling down is only going to help you because this is the thing. If you decide that you want to talk about 10 different things and your niche is wellness, that is really just not going to help you get anywhere in your business anytime soon. I mean, eventually, maybe you will. It's just going to take a lot longer for you to really stand out and establish yourself in the market. So if you are starting right now and you really want to take off and be known for something and become the expert of the little market of the Internet that you're creating, you have to reach down. And the thing is to with a niche is that don't feel like you are locked into that forever. You can always start really, really specific. And once you start to build an audience, you can always expand from there. That's totally what I did. I am the queen of pivoting. I love pivoting if the timing is right and it feels aligned. But when you're first starting out, I really encourage you to start specific. OK, guys, real talk. A lot of you have been telling me lately that you've been spending 30 minutes to an hour every single day working on your Instagram caption. We need to talk about this. 

[00:18:21] No more wasting time writing your Instagram caption or racking your brain to think about blog ideas, podcast ideas, video ideas. Let me create all of that content for you. So today's episode is brought to you by my membership site daily. Digital nutritionist, where you'll receive a daily content prompt that can be customized and use for any social media platform like Instagram stories. Your Instagram caption, a blog post, a YouTube video, a podcast episode. Literally, you can customize these prompts and use them for any platform that you enjoy being on, and they are specifically aimed at building your audience income and impact as an online business owner. I mean, could you imagine waking up every morning and having it done for you? Social media prompt right at your fingertips, geared specifically toward attracting and engaging with your ideal audience. As an A.P. health coach, nutritionist or wellness enthusiast, no matter what you're selling, it's going to save you so much time as a business owner, because we all know that you have way better things to be spending your time on. Am I right? Plus, when you join, you can cancel anytime and you'll be able to keep all of the months you already paid for. So whenever you're ready, head over to bet that ally slash daily digital all caps again. That is bit dot ally backslash daily digital all caps. The link will also be in the show notes. And here's how this daily digital nutritionist membership works. So it's a monthly membership style online course where you can cancel at any time. You're going to get daily social media prompts right at your fingertips to help you create content for whatever platform you want to be on. And they're going to help you build your audience income and impact online no matter what you're selling. 

[00:20:04] As a business owner. So please don't ever waste another hour of your precious time. Trying to think of a clever Instagram caption. I'm going to do all the hard work for you and you can start spending more time on things that are going to provide a return on your investment. OK. Again, head over to bit ally backslash daily digital all caps to get twenty dollars off your monthly membership. Again, that is between L Y backslash daily digital all caps or the link will be in the show notes to get twenty dollars off your daily digital nutritionist membership. See you inside. Now, also, if you are struggling with the last piece, so piece number three of who your unicorn or who your ideal client is besides the obvious, the age sex job location. Another way to think about this, besides just visualizing this person, which can be hard to do if you've never really had any one on one clients before, is also think about yourself. Think about you before you knew what you know now and what your deepest desire is. A lot of times we attract people who are very similar to us. So can you put a name to what you were struggling? Maybe a couple years ago. Why you wanted the thing that you wanted. So maybe you really wanted to balance your hormones so that you could get pregnant? Or what do you wish had existed back then that would have made life so much easier or less stressful or less painful for you? What would you have actually paid somebody for? So that one is huge. That's a great way to test the profitability of your niche. If you are thinking of something that you struggled with, but you're like, yeah, it was kind of a struggle. 

[00:21:44] But like, I never would have actually paid somebody for their expertise. There's probably a still a little bit of tweaking that needs to go on there. What was frustrating you every single day? What were you Googling every single day? What was keeping you up at night? Things like that. What were you obsessed with learning about? That's a good one, too. And so not only can this really help you pinpoint who your ideal client and unicorn is and how to really talk to them, but it can also help you get clear on how to actually infuse your own personal story into the brand messages that you are creating for your audience. So like I said before on how you are, the thing that makes your niche stand out and different from the other people online who are doing the same thing, telling your own story is a huge part of letting your personality show and starting to build your brand. So storytelling is actually huge in not only being clear about what your nieces. But also in your personal branding. So I want you to also after you've kind of solidified what you think your niche might be, I want you to think of two to three brand stories of your own that really explain who you are and your personality and your past and how you got to where you are. And I want you to really start incorporating them into your content. All of the time. So maybe by content, I mean, in your podcast, in your YouTube video, in your blog post, in your Instagram captions, you guys, if you are listening, I mean, you've been in my audience for any amount of time. You probably know all about my story. I basically have two to three brand stories that I infuse in a lot of my content because it really made me who I am today. 

[00:23:21] Some of those being, you know, being in debt and living in a tiny house and starting my business there, being a nutritionist, but really not wanting to see one on one clients, because that really exhausted me wanting to pay off debt and travel the world because that was a dream of mine. So all of these brand stories, really no one speak directly to my unicorn because she's just like me. But also, number two, they really help convey who I am and make me stand out in my niche because there are a lot of other online business coaches for nutritionists and wellness practitioners. A lot of people doing the exact same thing as me, but nobody has my story. And so that's why telling my brand stories and infusing them into a lot of my content can really help to set me apart from other people. And of course, that's going to mean that some people are not into my story and are annoyed with it and don't care that I lived in a tiny hut. But on the other end of the spectrum, there are gonna be some people who really resonate with them and can maybe see themselves in me. So it's really cool. And of course, anything polarizing is a good thing in your business. So keep that in mind. Okay. So the last piece of really solidifying your profitable niche as a nutritionist, health coach or anybody in the wellness industry is figuring out what the market is actually going to pay for. So this is huge because we are all trying to make profitable businesses. Right. So if you take nothing else away from this episode today, I really want you to remember that whatever your niche is that you decide on, it has to solve a problem. 

[00:24:54] So if right now and this is something else, I hear a lot, I hear a lot of really, really vague niche statements and I'll give you a couple examples, because if this is you don't feel bad about yourself. I'm not calling you out. I'm just telling you that it's really vague and it's probably not speaking to the person that you are wanting to speak to. So something like I help women eat healthier to live their best lives. That is beautiful. But it really is not specific. It's not helping clarify what you do. It doesn't really mean anything. When I look at that in somebody's Instagram bio, I'm like, I have no fucking clue what that means. Like how what kind of nutrition am I doing? What is the way that you're getting me there and what is living my best life mean? Because that's gonna be different for every single person. So there are so many. And there you want somebody to look at your new statement. Look at your Instagram bio, whatever, and know exactly what it is that you are doing. Or at least pose the question of like, oh, I think that might be right for me. Let me go digging a little bit deeper. So don't feel like you need to write three paragraphs about, you know, the specific modalities that you use and the muscle testing and all of that in your Instagram bio. Just make sure it either piques their interest and makes them go to that clickable link or I'm just using Instagram as an example here. But like piques their interest and maybe they deem you or click the link in your bio to learn more or they know right away like you are a vegan nutritionist that helps women get their period back. 

[00:26:23] Something like that. Like I'm just like thinking of negative things off the top of my head. But you get the point. OK. Another example that I see and this would be also considered to be really vague is I empower women to live the life that they've always dreamed of or something like that again. This is great. This is beautiful. But how are you empowering women? Empowerment is really a byproduct of probably the thing that you're selling or the way that you get them there. So how are you actually getting them there? Are you teaching them how to work out at home? Are you teaching them how to meal prep, you know? Are you teaching them how to macro count? What is it that is leading to this empowerment? So I think that's the thing that's missing that you want to be really clear about. Now, I'm just going to kind of go through because I find examples to be really helpful. I'm going to go through a couple examples of niches that I recently just kind of pulled out of my ass that I thought were really good and really specific and really combine those three areas that I was talking about before. So again, your passions, obsessions, your expertise, experience, certifications, and then also your audience like who it's actually for. So just going gonna go through a quick list of examples and hopefully these kind of like get the wheels moving and if you're still struggling. So online Spanish classes for expats, web design for nutritionists. My friend Amy is an expert in this area. She does like a square space web design for nutritionists, blog monetization for fashion stylists, flower essences to increase fertility, macro accounting to get your period back. OK. 

[00:27:56] So those were just a couple examples of really specific niches that incorporate also who they are for and how that problem is being solved. So not just, you know, Spanish classes, but online Spanish classes for expats. So, again, I know that when you are starting out with your niche, it feels really scary to. It almost feels like you're pigeonholing yourself and you can only speak to this one person and like, what if somebody else comes to you and wants to work with you? What if they feel like they're being left out when they look at your Web site because you're not speaking to them? OK. If you feel like that, that's actually good. That means you are onto something that means your niche is specific enough. And I can guarantee you I promise you, I know it's hard to believe, but it's going to make you be so much more successful. Gain an audience so much quicker, generate more sales. And the crazy thing is, too, is that you are still going to attract people that you don't perceive to be your ideal client or your unicorn. And they're still going to want to work with you. OK, so don't feel like you are excluding a bunch of other people. I mean, you guys have seen how girly and woo woo and brightly colored and like Crystal Lee, my branding is. And I still get guys that want to work with me. OK. So if that shows you anything that shows you that you are definitely not pigeonholing yourself, OK, it's only going to help you. And also something I really want to tell you, too, is and I know this can feel really hard, especially in the world of nutrition, is that it can actually really, really help you to really take a stand for whatever it is that you believe in. 

[00:29:32] So if you are like a Keto advocate or you are like a vegan advocate or anything like that, that's kind of polarizing. But that's really how you feel deep in your heart. I really encourage you to share that because obviously, of course, this means that you are going to get a lot of people that disagree. But on the other hand, you are also going to get a bunch of lifers. And by lifers I just mean like people that are obsessed with you and like, look to your content for information about things. An example of somebody who I think does a really, really awesome job at this is Ali from Empowered Auto Immune. She's so oh my gosh, she's so smart. Sometimes I'm like watching her stories and I'm like, I don't know what you're saying because this is so scientifically over my head. But she has just blown up her Instagram account by really being somebody who's takes a stand for what she believes in and shares like the real data that she finds. And it's so informative and interesting and helpful to the right person. But on the other end of the spectrum, she also gets a lot of hate and a lot of people that disagree with her. So obviously, I mean, this might mean we all need to develop a thicker skin, which. Definitely be hard. But if it's something that you believe in, don't try and water it down just to appease people and make people happy, because if you really feel strongly about something, it's actually going to set you apart and probably help you grow quicker. Make a name for yourself quicker and help you monetize your business quicker. Another example that I'm thinking of right now is thinking about the company bullet proof or the documentary Game Changers. 

[00:31:02] Both of those things, very different ends of the nutritional spectrum, but they really aren't for everybody. Somebody knows pretty much immediately if they're interested in one or if they're not. So hopefully that gives you a good example. But both of those things, one, the company and one's a documentary, but they both really made a name for themselves pretty quickly and like have gotten a lot of people talking about them. OK. Last but not least, you want to make sure that your niche is really feasible to start and is not going to take, you know, another five years to get started. So what I mean by that is like at this point, after taking all those notes and go into this whole podcast, you should probably have a niche written down that you are thinking about and feels really good and really specific to you. But you also want to make sure that it's going to be not easy, but like able to execute right away and is not going to require you to go back to school to get another certification first, or are going to require you to wait another year or invest, you know, five thousand dollars in it or anything like that. And so this is kind of a benefit of having any sort of online business is that the overhead to get started is really low. Assuming that you don't have to go back to get another certification. But I would also really encourage you, if you are in the wellness world, to beware of kind of the analysis paralysis and always going back for more certifications and more certifications. Most likely you know enough where you're at right now. So stop putting it off. Pick a niche and get going. 

[00:32:28] That's going to be the quickest way to get your business off the ground. So you can also think about the quickest way to start executing, because I know this is a challenge for a lot of people is do you have any existing content that you can repurpose? Do you have anything right now that gives you kind of a leg up or an advantage or an authority in the niche that you have chosen? You can also start to brainstorm content around this niche and try and think like if off the top of your head you can, you know, with a snap of a finger, think of five to 10 content ideas that you could just get going on right now. And by that I mean like a blog post and podcast, a Instagram caption, anything like that that you just feel really lit up about you want to create. That is a really good sign that this niche is going to be really easy for you to execute. I mean, I hate to say the word easy, but you kind of want there to be some level of ease if you have chosen a niche that is going to require, you know, hours of research before you do any sort of content around it. That's going to be a big barrier. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but it's gonna be a big barrier to getting anything done. OK. Another way to think about if this new show is going to be right for you is are there people are there authorities that are already out there doing this? That can be a really good sign that it is a profitable niche. And again, you're not copying what they're doing. You definitely have to infuse your own personality into it, make it your own. 

[00:33:51] But it can be a good sign that you're headed in the right direction. And you can also think if the niche that you're thinking about, if there are authorities in this niche, maybe there's a couple of them. But whatever they're doing is kind of, you know, old school or it's not what you would do or you wish somebody out there was doing it a different way that spoke more clearly to you. That's kind of a perfect place for you to slide into the market. So an example of this that is coming to mind is when I was starting to learn more about human design, a lot of the content and schooling and classes that I was finding were just so hard to understand and so old. And they were like made in the 90s and just not really applicable to real life. They were just, I thought, very kind of hard to understand. And so I kind of thought, wow, it would be really cool if somebody kind of came in and did this human design teaching stuff in a way more modern and applicable way to, you know, modern society and business and all of those things. I think Jenna Zoe is doing a really good job of that. But before her, there really was a lot of stale information. And so I think that anything like that, where you think that you could really offer a new, fresh perspective is going to be very profitable. So, again, just to quickly recap everything we talked about today, I hope you have a list of ideas of what your niche could be. And actually, after listening to this, I really want you to come over to my Instagram at Rebelle nutrition and comment on my most recent photo. 

[00:35:19] It's OK when you're listening to this. Just comment on whatever the most recent photo is and tell me what the niche is that you've decided on so I can actually review it and I will definitely give you some feedback on it, which is really awesome. So you'll get like one on one input and coaching from me. But you have to come to my most recent post and tell me what the nausea is that you decided on. But just to kind of recap everything that we've gone through, so your niece is going to be a combination of your passion, experience, the feasibility of getting it done, your own uniqueness and your own story, how profitable it is understanding the audience that you're speaking to. And then very most importantly of anything else is does it excite you? Does it light you the fuck up to talk about that is the thing that matters more than anything else that I've said in this podcast. Because if you are choosing something just because you think that you should or just because somebody told you that fat loss was more profitable than whatever else you wanted to do. I'm not saying that. Drew, I'm just throwing out an example. Your audience is gonna be able to see right through that. The most important thing is that you are excited about whatever you choose and you want to share about it. You want to create content around it. You want to provide a solution for your unicorn about this topic. OK. So I hope this was extremely helpful for you. If you haven't already downloaded the worksheets in the show notes, that's going to kind of guide you through everything that I talked about in this episode and make it a little bit clearer for you if you want to go back. 

[00:36:54] And if you missed something I said or anything like that, you want to take notes actually on a piece of paper that you can download, just head over to the show notes and it will be in there. OK. Also, make sure to screenshot this tag me at rebels nutrition so I can repost you, especially if it was helpful. I really hope that it was. And I will be back next week. You guys. Thank you so much for listening, as always. And by the way, I have a bunch more free resources on my Web site, Rebelde nutrition, dot com slash resources for no matter where you're at in your business, if you're just getting started. If you want to create an online course, if you want to build your email list, if you want to grow your Instagram, I got it all over there. OK. Well, nutrition, dot com slash resources and all of those are free. You can also check out my courses on my Web site as well. I will be back next week, guys. 



Show notes:

Worksheet for choosing a profitable niche:

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